Education and Community Mobilization


A major component of the USAID-EWASH project in Abia State was urban community mobilization and stakeholder’s engagement for uptake of safe water and sanitation services.
GRACODEV mobilized women, youths and men across 14 urban communities (Isiama Afara, Ohokobe, Ekenobizi, Dike Ukwu, Itaja, Amakama, Enyiukwu Afara, Ohobo Afara, Okwulaga Afara, Ugba, Nkata, World bank housing estate, Federal lowcost housing estate, and Umuobasi, within Umuahia, established regular meetings for sensitization and education on WASH related issues and behavioral change activities.
Over 30,000 persons (women, youths and men) were mobilized and sensitized under this project.

Our numbers that speak

reached under Community Social Mobilization Programs
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Executed Projects
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SMEs startup
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Drama session at mbawer in mbayoo in Kwande LGA

Global Fund Social Mobilization on Malaria

The Global Fund Malaria (GFM)/ Society for Family Health (SFH) Social Mobilization was implemented in the seven North Central States of Nigeria (Benue, Kogi, Kwara, Abuja, Nasarawa, Plateau and Niger states). The program which was designed to reduce prevalence of malaria through the use of Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) as tool to effectively drive home the message on malaria causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment to promote maternal and child health. The program also featured distribution of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN) and demonstration on its usage. Over 170,000 persons were sensitized across several communities within the seven states.
LLIN on display in Uchi in Asukunya in Tarka LGA
Summary session at Egba in Agatu LGA
COM DRAMA in Ipav Community Sec Sch Ikyeu in Gboko LGA (9)
Drama session at oye oba ogore in Obi LGA
Drama session in Egba in Agatu LGA..
At Ibeku High School

School based activities

The school based activities are project specific engagements with schools and their students/ pupils. Principal programs held in schools include the establishment of School WASH-Clubs and commemoration of Global hand-washing day. During these activities, GRACODEV educated the students on the benefit of regular hand washing, good sanitation and hygiene. WASH clubs were established at various Schools in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.
At Afara Technical College
At Evangel School

WHO Rapid Access Expansion (RACE) Project

Community mobilization being a fundamental area of strength, GRACODEV has implemented several projects that centered on social mobilization, sensitization and awareness creation. WHO in partnership with Society for Family Health (SFH) engaged GRACODEV to conduct community social mobilization on Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) of childhood illnesses such as malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea, and malnutrition in Abia State. GRACODEV in deploying its social mobilization strategy developed IEC materials and other BCC tools. Over 39,900 women and caregivers were sensitized across 15 LGAs in Abia State, Nigeria.