Facilitating Sustainable Development At The Grassroots

Grassroots Community Development Initiative

Issues of long term poverty and underdevelopment in Africa especially Nigeria, have continued to assume an alarming increase. Several programmes and projects have been developed over the years in these regards, but they appear not to adequately tackle these issues. The development challenges tend to remain endless and billions of resources sunk into bottomless pits.

The reasons for these failures are not farfetched. NGOs and private sector operators have not adequately complemented the efforts of the government. While there is still a yawning gap in terms of implementing the popular Public and Private Partnerships (PPP) initiative in project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation which has been known to yield tangible results in facilitating sustainable development and the much needed poverty reduction at the grassroots.

Grassroots Community Development Initiative (GRACODEV) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization established to facilitate real sustainable development and ultimately the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the grassroots through extensive Public and Private Partnerships (PPP) with the government and a mass of credible international and local development partners (NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, Co-operatives, and Town Unions).

Our vision is to see an African Society where the citizenry, especially the marginalized and disadvantaged community groups are empowered to participate actively in issues that will improve their livelihood standards.


Our mission is to facilitate good governance and sustainable development at the grassroots through community-based development planning, service delivery, capacity building, project monitoring, impact assessment and advocacy.

Aims And Objectives

To carry out Community Social Mobilization of Community Development issues such as Environmental Protection, Health, Water/Sanitation, HIV/AIDS awareness, family hygiene etc.

Facilitate Community Development through Community Development ….

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Core Values

Our watchwords are “Grassroots” and “Community Development”.  

We believe in the relevance of grassroots people in national development. [ Read More ]

Our numbers that speak

reached under Community Social Mobilization Programs
0 +
Executed Projects
0 +
SMEs startup
0 +